Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Midday report

So I just did my first workout under this nutrition plan and I'm pretty encouraged that I was able to keep my energy up before and after. I did get a little woozy when I took my recovery shake after but it was good.

I don't know if it is me or if I'm doing this whole thing wrong but I'm not suffering as much as I thought I would be.

After reading other people's notes on the Velocity diet it seemed like I was going to go through hell for 28 days. Right now I'm thinking that this structured type of program is just what I needed.

The 4lbs drop in weight is cool. But the real cool factor comes in when I am not reaching for food whenever I'm bored. I reach for my water. I don't have to think about my caloric intake at all because it is all laid out for me before I even get out of bed (I prepare my shakes before I sleep).

It' s only the second day but I'm feelin good about this.


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