Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting pissed off is a GOOD thing?

I think he needs a hug. Awww...

How can something that is perceived to be negative become positive?

Now I'm not talking about getting pissed off at other people or other things. I'm talking about getting pissed off with yourself.

That really doesn't make this post any better does it? Just bear with me....

No positive great change has occurred in one's life without a strong emotion attached to it.

- Mother Theresa got pissed when no one would help the dying civilians in Calcutta. She decided that she wouldn't stand for it anymore and turned into an global icon.

- Albert Einstein probably wasn't too happy when everyone was calling him an idiot. He managed to come up with this little thing called "The Theory of Relativity"

- Michael Jordan wasn't mildly annoyed when he didn't make his Varsity basketball team. The next year he came back, whooped everyone's ass and became a starter. Oh and he went to on to become just the BEST basketball player in the world.

- I would go on to say that 90% of obese people who have lost all their weight and changed their bodies were not mildly annoyed. They were PISSED OFF!

Anthony Robbins calls it being "Disturbed". He says that before a change can occur in someone's life you have to get really disturbed to do something about it.

Here's a little story.....

I have what I call F.F.B.S. short for Former Fat Boy Syndrome. I stole that term from Chris Shugart ;)

When I was younger (ahhh the days of youth...) I wouldn't take my shirt off in front of people due to embarrassment, my friends would call me fat (in a loving joking way of course riiiight) and I was an overall slob of a person eating a whole bag of chips to myself in one sitting. I am sure I'm leaving out a lot more but you get the point.

What changed? How come I became the person I am today? I got PISSED OFF.

Just the fact that I wasn't living up to my full potential and conforming to the lowered expectations of myself and others was annoying at first.

Then one day...

Someone asked if I had been working out because my chest got bigger since the last time I saw them....

Let's just say I wasn't working out. The kids use a slang term for this: I had "Bitch tits"

I took a long hard look at myself in the mirror that day and used a couple phrases that were a little more then harsh. I used words and phrases that would get this blog BANNED. Basically I got PISSED OFF with myself.

Now what happened after? Let's just say that I never experienced or even entertained the thought of having "Bitch tits" ever again.

Now I'm not going to tell you to get pissed off at yourself and start calling yourself names. This is just what worked for me. But I am going to say that if you are not "Disturbed" enough with a particular weakness you have, the chances of changing will be slim to none.

Be honest with yourself. Don't sugar coat things like, "Oh I'm just a little overweight." or "Oh this job ain't so bad". It won't do you any good. GET PISSED OFF. Use strong words. Then do something about it.

And btw if you are a man and you are sporting a pair of "Bitch tits" like I was in the past let me tell you one thing: The look is not the "IN" thing these days and your chances with the ladies (or men if you roll that way) will be severely reduced. You are not living up to your potential and you know it.

Get PISSED OFF and cry about it. Once you are done with that, get your ass in a gym and don't leave until you have sweat on every square inch of clothing. Curse me all you want but you'll be thanking me for it later.


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