Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Barack Obama Workout. Aka. The Anytime Anywhere NO EXCUSES Workout

Barack Obama...Ballllliiiiiinnnnnn

Barack Obama is my hero.....well kind of.

Have you seen this guy talk? Man, I can listen to this guy talk for days and always get inspired to take massive action. He is probably the most articulate, sharp and powerful presidents to come in a long time.

Although former president Bush was pretty bad. I'm guessing anyone would look good if they took over after this dude ;)

George Bush...not so ballin

Seriously though, how can someone handle to stress of being the leader of the free world? I can’t even begin to grasp the scope of something like that, can you?

One thing that has always struck me about Obama is his relentless daily workout routine. He plays a ton of basketball and puts in his 45-60 minute workout day 6 days a week. He claims it sets the tone for his entire day- that it gives him the energy he needs to grapple with the world’s problems.

Crazy eh? While people make excuses of not having enough time to workout, this man is in charge of a country but still makes working out a top priority.

I run several companies and I can personally vouch for Obama in this regard. My physical fitness sets the tone for everything I tackle in business on a daily basis. I train hard and I never miss a workout. I bring this same intensity and persistence to my companies.

I always have said that working out is like my sanctuary. It keeps me focused and I constantly challenge myself to improve. Working out is like a metaphor for life. You constantly challenge yourself and you tackle those challenges with the same intensity in the outside world.

Now, I am just going to assume that there are going to be some days when President Obama might not have time to get in his typical 45-60 minute workout. After all, since the first 100 days seem to set the tone of each presidency, Obama is going to have a pretty full plate these days!

So, I am going to lend my expertise in this regard to cut Obama’s workout routine by more than half to keep him on track in case any last minute issues may arise. I personally guarantee this will not only help him maintain, if not increase, his current strength and conditioning level.

And I am going to go ahead and make the process simple for Obama by designing body weight based workouts involve nothing more than resistance bands and dumbbells that can be done in the comfort of the oval office.

And every workout will start “outside in” by first recognizing how much time President Obama has to workout each day and then matching the appropriate workout for that time frame.

The President’s Day Workout- Obama Style

- Perform all strength workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
- Perform all cardio workouts on Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays
- Play some hoops anytime you can get

If Obama or YOU have five minutes to workout:

Strength Workout- Continuous Work: Perform max rounds of 10 reps of an upper body exercise (push-ups, rows, pull-ups, dips, etc.) and 20 reps of a lower body exercise (squats, deadlifts, hip extensions, lunges, etc.) for time.

Cardio Workout- Tabata Intervals: Select one body weight cardio exercise (stationary running, jumping jacks, squat thrusts, alternating split jumps, ice skater jumps, etc.) OR one total body exercise (squat to presses, deadlift + curls, lunge + curl to press, swings, etc.) and perform 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for four straight minutes, followed by a one-minute rest.

If Obama or YOU have 10 minutes to workout:

Strength Workout- Continuous Work: Perform max rounds of 10 reps of an upper body exercise (push-ups, rows, pull-ups, dips, etc.) and 20 reps of a lower body exercise (squats, deadlifts, hip extensions, lunges, etc.) for time.

Cardio Workout- Tabata Intervals: Select one body weight cardio exercise (stationary running, jumping jacks, squat thrusts, alternating split jumps, ice skater jumps, etc.) OR one total body exercise (squat to presses, deadlift + curls, lunge + curl to press, swings, etc.) and perform 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for four straight minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. Repeat this five-minute sequence one more time with the same exercise or with the exercise(s) of your choice.

If Obama or YOU have 20 minutes to workout:

Strength Workout- Continuous Work: Perform two different 10-minute work zones. For work zone one, perform max rounds of 10 reps of an upper body pushing exercise (push-ups, dips, presses, etc.) and 20 reps of a double-leg lower body exercise (squats, deadlifts, hip extensions, etc.) for time. For work zone two, perform max rounds of 10 reps of an upper body pulling exercise (pull-ups, rows, curls, etc.) and 10 reps/leg of a single-leg lower body exercise (lunges, step-ups, single-leg hip extensions, etc.) for time.

Cardio Workout- Tabata Intervals: Select one body weight cardio exercise (stationary running, jumping jacks, squat thrusts, alternating split jumps, ice skater jumps, etc.) OR one total body exercise (squat to presses, deadlift + curls, lunge + curl to press, swings, etc.) and perform 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for four straight minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. Repeat this five-minute sequence three more times with the same exercise or with the exercise(s) of your choice.

I’m sure the President will appreciate this killer fitness plan that works with, not against, his schedule as a courageous world leader. And if Obama can fit in his own personal workouts, you best believe there are no excuses for you not to do the same.

Go hard or go home!


2 comments: said...

Great post. I think some type of circuit training routine is an ideal program for time efficency.

By the way, can I reprint your post as an article on my website:

Thanks for great post. Keep 'em comin'!


Dan Go said...

Sure thing Matt. Just make sure to give my website credit for the article :)