Here's Dan here. I hope things are going awesome for you...things have been going crazy....pretty frikkin crazy.
I'm currently in the midst of changing up my workout programs (to make them even more sicker, wickeder and nastier....muahahaha) and planning for my 6 Week July Boot Camps.
I just got back from watching the Russell Peters show at the ACC and it was friggin hilarious! Big thanks to my body Dave for hooking up the tickets. Although I wish he made fun of Asian people a bit more....ah well....BTW I'm asian so I can say that ;)
We are in the midst of summer and it seems that everyone is looking for that "Look great FAST" routine for their bodies.
There are times where you know exactly why you don't see the results you want to see ie. Bad eating habits, not working out consistently etc..
But there are other times when you work so hard, see results initially but end up reaching a plateau. This could quite possibly be the MOST FRUSTRATING THING EVERRRRR.
So why do our bodies hit this plateau? I'll give you 3 reasons:
1. You are on the wrong exercise plan
Basically this means that the program you are on is not working in the first place. Examples of bad programming are:
- None or Very Light resistance training using 3 pound weights that will NOT CHANGE ANYONE'S BODY AT ALL...No you will not get bulky if you use bigger weights ok? I promise.
- Tons of aerobic activity ie. cardio, fitness classes
- Eating too little or too much calories for your body
Solution: The easiest way to avoid this plateau is to work with an exercise program that has a proven track record of achieving fat loss results.
2. You have a great plan but you just are not following it
This is probably the biggest problem. It reminds me of this post from fat loss expert Alwyn Cosgrove. You can have the greatest plan in the world.....BUT if you don't follow it the plan becomes ineffective.
You could be working out and revving up your metabolism with some sick workouts but if you end up eating crappy during the nights you are bound seeing the same body the night after.
Solution: Make small positive changes to your lifestyle every week and laser focus on them to make them habits.
3. You gotta BE DIFFERENT!
After 3-4 weeks your body adapts to the type of exercise program you are on. You always have to change up the workout program to keep on seeing results. So the plan that was supposed to help you burn 3 pounds of fat per week will only last 4 weeks.
Where workout programs fail is when you keep on doing the same old thing week after week after week after week....and expect to see results. It's like taking crazy pills.
Solution: Make sure you are changing up the program every 4 weeks so you can keep seeing results and show off that new body come July.
That's it. With a properly designed fat loss program that takes into account everything we talked about above you can get anyone - I mean ANYONE - to get that lean stomach and toned up legs.
Talk soon,
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