Everyone always asks me this question over and over and over again: "I'm working hard in the gym, but I'm not losing any weight! What is wrong with me?"
If you have ever asked this questions or felt this way I can sympathize because I've been there before. It sucks. But really it all comes down to a few simple things...
For most situations I believe there are always a number of things going on that prevent people from seeing the results they want. Be warned though. I do not pull any punches and I will be straight up.
3 Reason's you are not losing weight
1. It's easier to get your ass to the gym and sweat then change the eating habits that are keeping your body looking the way it's looking.This is probably the biggest A-HA you should take from the blog post. If you are working hard in the gym but relaxing on what you should be eating (and drinking!), you are destined for failure and disappointment. I should know, I've been there.
They say that losing weight is "80% diet". Well I don't exactly believe in that. I do believe that it is easier to buy a gym membership or get personal training etc.. and work your ass off by doing some SICK metabolic enhancing exercise than it is to change your bad eating habits. That is the reason why nutrition is 80% of the weight loss equation. Because it is the hardest to do.
People are always asking me to write them up fat loss programs but the first thing I ask is if their eating habits are under control. 95% of the time I get a "Uhhh yeah, that part is not so good." If you can put the effort in your workouts, you best be able to put the same effort and desire towards eating the right things at the right time.
Don't be a hero in the gym but a wussy in the kitchen k?

2. You are only focusing on the weight and not focusing on inches or the way your body looks in the mirror.
If I told you that I could give you the beach body you have always dreamnt about but you weight would stay the same? Would you still be hung up on that number? I would hope not.
Don't make the numbers on the scale determine if you are making progress or not. Measure the inches around your waist and hips. Also take monthly pictures of yourself half naked to see how much progress you are making. The camera don't lie.
If you are exercise hard (and smart) and following a simple and effective nutrition plan (like the one I give to my boot camp clients) you will see results. And most of the time it won't show up on the scale.
3. You are waaaaaaayyyy too easy on yourself and you make a lot of excuses.
Look here, if you want to make changes you gotta change in your body, you have to make a mental change as well.
But I don't mean that every time you make a mistake to beat yourself up for it. To make a change you HAVE TO desire it and work towards it as intensely as possible to achieve it.
I do recommend getting really pissed off and having an attitude of "I will do anything to reach my goals!!!" And when I mean anything I mean things like:
- Writing in a food and workout journal
- Putting yourself on strict carb restrictions until you reach your goal
- Having protein at every meal
- Not drinking alcohol until you reach your desired body
- Staying away from processed foods and junk
- Anything and everything ethical to reach your desired body
What do I not mean by "anything"? Anything that involves altering your own body or forcing it to do something that is not natural ie. anorexia, bullemia, steroids is not what I mean by "anything".
What are the excuses I hate the most when it comes to weight loss?
"I have bad genetics"
Hell I have bad genetics too but it didn't stop me from getting the body I want. Some people have to work harder than others. That's okay, for those that do you get to appreciate it a lot more when you get it.
"I'll just focus on the exercise part then I'll focus on the nutrition OR I'll just focus on the nutrition then I'll get to the exercise part"
Get this straight in your mind: Exercise and nutrition go hand in hand with each other like a newlywed couple on their honeymoon. There are two seperate entities but you can't have one without the other to succeed at getting the body you desire.
"I'm going to start my exercise/nutrition program next week"
Yeah I heard this one millions of times. Not many people actually follow through. The more you put off exercising or watching your nutrition the more excuses you'll find more excuses to not do it. Action creates momentum. NO matter what, if you want to make a change you have to make a small action to create momentum in that direction.
The say that the most difficult step to take is the first. Create momentum for yourself by just taking that first step.
Right now is the time to really focus on achieving your fitness goals. Summer is just around the corner and I want you to unveil a body that makes people's jaws drop!
Go Hard or Go Home!