"Many people look forward to the new year for a new start on old habits."—Author Unknown
Now let's get one things straight....I HATE NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. I don't just "dislike" new years resolutions, I HATE them.
Why do I hate them? Let me count the ways....
1. The person making them usually never follows through past the first month
2. They are mostly about stopping bad habits instead of creating new positive ones
3. They give you a subconscious type of guilt every time you stray away from it until you just totally give up on it (see #1)
Now there is a reason I put "New years resolutions" in my title: That was the only way I could get you to read this blog post.
Simple but effective.
I started a habit 6 years ago that has stuck ever since. Every single new year I sit my a** down and write down the goals I want to achieve in the new year. It's much more different than having a new years resolution because I am focusing more on the positive (make more money) than the negative (stop my bad spending habits).
Since I started doing that I have been achieving things every year that I would have though impossible before.
Fact: People who write down their goals are 95% more likely to achieve them.
Here are some tips to help you make 2009 your BEST year ever.
1. Write down your goals and be specific about them. Easy enough. I mean write them. Do not type them on a computer or think about them. Write them down on a piece of paper. Do it now. Then put them in a place where you will see them every day. Every single day make sure you work towards them.
Also be specific. Want to lose weight? Don't put your goal down as "Lose weight". Be specific about the amount of weight you want to lose ie. "I want to lose 27 pounds in 2009"
2. Get rid of all negative influences in your life. This is a hard one. But if you have that one person that always puts your goals/dreams down make it a point to spend less time with them.
I had to do this a couple times in my life and it is tough. But you have to realize that this is your life you are living. If you want to succeed and be the person you are meant to be then the negative people have to go.
3. Study what you want to achieve and apply it. Spend the money on the education you need to achieve the goal you want. Want to own a business? Spend money on business education. Want to lose a ton of fat and get ripped? Spend money on the books that will get you there.
Someone has done it before. Take their knowledge and use it to your advantage.
4. Write down an action plan for each goal you want to achieve(at least the most important ones) You don't know if you are going to there if you don't have a map.
5. Stop being so damn hard on yourself. It's easy to get down and mentally scold yourself for screwing up. Heck I do it all the time. But sometimes you gotta just chill out and realize that this one screw up is not the end of everything. You can handle it.
Stop being so hard on yourself and realize that everyone screws up. We are human. Now if you are constantly screwing up, you really need to sit down and work out what the problem is.
7. Control what you can control and let go of what you can't control. What are the things you control? Your choices and yourself. What can you not control? Other people and outside influences.
Let go of what you can't control and you will relieve yourself of a ton of stress.
8. Take immediate action whenever possible. If you hear about a new fat loss technique then try it out at the gym the very same day.
If you learn something that you can apply to your life, do it immediately. I learned this concept by Anthony Robbins. When action is taken it creates momentum in your life.
And finally....
9. Have fun! Life is too short to be taken seriously. Helen Keller once said, "Life is a daring adventure or nothing." That is pretty profound wisdom for someone who was deaf, dumb and blind.
Have fun in 2009. I know I will :D
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