When I talk to successful people I always like to pick their brains and ask a lot of questions. I am in the belief that success is a mindset and can be learned rather than being something somebody is automatically born with.
The one thing I am always picking up on is that successful people always know what their goals are for their lives and their businesses. They know what benchmarks they want to set and when they want to set them. They know what their goals are as if they are written on the back of their hand.
On the other hand I do talk to a lot of people on the other side of the fence: Stuck in a job they don’t like, not liking their body knowing they need to do something about it but don’t, and overall not satisfied with the way their life is going. The one thing I notice is that they don’t know what they want out of life, they don’t know what their goals are and they refuse to take an hour to even sit down and write them out.
If you have never written goals out for yourself ever or you do but want more direction, here is your chance to follow a step by step goal setting outline that is guaranteed to help you achieve your goals without fail.
The Ultimate Goal Setting System
Start today by selecting your goals!
1. Take out a sheet of paper and title it “Life’s goals” or whatever you want to call it.
2. Make a list of everything you want to accomplish in life. Ideas: Six pack abs, 9% body fat, $$$, travelling destinations, etc…
3. Convert that list into long term life goals and narrow your list down to four. Think in terms of a long-term wealth-building goal, a long-term health goal, a long-term personal-relationship goal, and a long-term personal growth and development goal. These are your top priorities, your bottom line objectives.
4. Convert those goals into 5 year mid term objectives. For example, let’s say that your long term financial goal is have a net worth of 5 million dollars. By year 5 you would have to be at a 2.5 million dollar net worth.
5. Now use the 5 year objectives and break them down into yearly objectives.
6. Take those yearly objectives and break them down into monthly bit sized objectives.
7. Then break those monthly objectives into 4 weekly goals. So if your goal is to get your body to 9% body fat then your weekly goals would be to hit the gym 3 times that week and follow your nutrition plan to an 80% compliance.
8. Finally work your way down to breaking the goals down into daily goals. So the objectives for the week would be on your to do list for the day.
Expect to spend a good chunk of time planning out your year. Once a month, you'll sit down for two or three hours to map out your goals for the next four weeks. Once a week, you'll spend one hour establishing your goals for the next seven days. And you'll spend about 30 minutes each morning organizing your day.
I know that sounds like a lot, but you're really spending no more than the equivalent of a few days a year to map out your strategy for achieving your long-term Life Goals.
This is how I establish my own goals, focus my objectives, and set daily tasks. It's not, by any means, an entirely original system. It's a patchwork of systems that have been developed by others and added to by me. But there is something about this particular system that seems to work.
It works so well, in fact, that I encourage everyone who works for me to use it. Those who do find that it works very well. I think you will too.
Go Hard Or Go Home!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Goal Setting Technique that Guarantees your Success
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